Sunday, August 24, 2008

You say poTAto, and I say potaTO

Since millions and millions of people from around the world are contacting us (actually, sending us spam email), we hereby promise to help the many denizens with more frequent (and even sillier) blog entries. Today's not that day, however. Instead, we're going to discuss a very serious subject, our (Mr. Makarma's) favorite new potato chip - Kettle brand "Buffalo Bleu" Krinkle Cut Chips.

First of all, we think they're just some of the tastiest cuisine we've had all afternoon. Secondly, we think the package description also defines us (Mr. Makarma) to a "T":

"BRAZEN spice mellowed by bleu cheese"

Our only disappointment is in the Nutrition Facts statement. We (Mr. Makarma) cannot understand how a five-ounce package of this sheer wonderment can be labeled as anything other than a single-serving......

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