Sunday, September 17, 2006

The latest on the changing U.S. passport requirements

As you may recall, U.S. passport requirements for travel to/from certain Caribbean countries were scheduled to change nearly a year ago. Although these changes were postponed, they're now set to be instituted in 2007. We don't know whether or not any additional delays will take place but, as before, we encourage our customers to get a U.S. passport at the earliest opportunity.

Here's the latest information we have regarding the upcoming changes in requirements related to U.S. Passports (MOST RECENT UPDATE: December 24, 2006):

As of January 23, 2007, United States Passports will be required for all U.S. citizens traveling via air from/to the United States.

As of January 1, 2008, United States Passports will be required for all U.S. citizens traveling from/to the United States via land or sea, as well as air, regardless of destination. (United States Passports are required currently for travel to many countries - please ask us for details.)

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